Developed by infectious disease scientists, SpillOver: Viral Risk Ranking explores and directly compares hundreds of virus, host and environmental risk factors to identify viruses with the highest risk of zoonotic spillover from wildlife to humans.
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Zoonotic viruses have caused many of the world’s epidemics and pandemics. To prevent the next one, we need to know: how and why does a wildlife virus become zoonotic? Which viruses pose the greatest threat? how can we change our behavior to prevent disease outbreaks and protect wildlife essential to our ecosystem and life on earth?

Scientists have developed SpillOver for policy makers, scientists and the general public to assess the likelihood that a wildlife virus will spillover and spread in humans.

For more information, see publication by Grange, Mazet et al.

Using the best science available and expert opinion, SpillOver creates a spillover risk report for each virus using a comprehensive database of viral findings in wildlife and associated animal, virus and environmental risk factors.

Found Something New?

Have you found a new virus? Or detected a known virus in a new host species or location? In a few simple steps see how your virus compares to others in the SpillOver database.

SpillOver is a crowd-sourcing platform intended to evolve alongside scientific advances. Contribute your ideas and thoughts for improvements on the discussion forum .

For more details on the science behind SpillOver, please see the associated publication by Grange, Mazet et al.

See how your virus ranks